Packages & Offers


Package Includes:

  1. Delivery procedure handled by Obstetrics and Gynaecology (O&G)
  2. Pediatrician services
  3. Mother and baby monitoring during delivering
  4. Suite with a bed (single) for mother, 2 days 1 night
  5. Nursery for baby, 2 days 1 night
  6. Basic immunization for baby (i.e Engerik B & Vitamin K)
  7. Laboratory Test (ABO blood group & RH, G6PD, Gribbles & Thyroid)
  8. Basic medication
  9. Baby hearing screening

Not included:

1) Delivery

  1. Induce
  2. Inverted
  3. Twins
  4. Antibiotic for baby
  5. Epidural & Antanox
  6. Anti- D for negative RH mother
  7. Anestesia Epidural
  8. Vacuum and/or forcep usage
  9. Manual placenta removal


2) Baby

  1. Antibiotic
  2. Phototherapy
  3. Rubella Immunization
  4. Circumcision for baby girl
  5. Baby complication (i.e. ambulance, x-ray, lab test)


3) Etc

  1. Additional Specialist consultation
  2. Blood transfusion
  3. Medicine and additional treatment
  4. Small surgery
  5. Additional staycation
  6. Adiitional Lab test and investigation



i. Additional cost depends on the conditions of mother and baby.

ii. This package valid for cash or credit card only.

iii. Minimum two (2) check-up during pregnancy with O&G at KMI Kuala Terenggsnu (not included in package)

Package Available