Our Specialty


Cardiology - Heart Specialist Hospital in Malaysia 

Cardiology is a medical practice that focuses on the examination and management of conditions affecting the heart, including the diagnosis and treatment of congenital heart defects and various other heart-related ailments. Medical professionals specializing in this field, commonly referred to as cardiologists or heart specialists, are dedicated physicians with expertise in addressing cardiovascular issues.

In the field of cardiology in Malaysia, there are an array of specialized branches to address diverse cardiac conditions. Cardiologists are trained to be dedicated to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of heart and circulatory system ailments, are adept medical professionals providing comprehensive care tailored to cardiovascular health. Focusing on the holistic well-being of patients, cardiologists in Malaysia employ their skills to manage conditions related to heart diseases.

In general, cardiologists provide comprehensive care on Cardiovascular Health which focuses on the overall cardiovascular health of patients, including the overall heart and blood vessels connecting to it. We help prevent and manage conditions that can lead to heart disease through Diagnostic Testing. This includes evaluating the heart function through electrocardiograms (ECGs or EKGs), echocardiograms, stress tests, and cardiac catheterization.

Treatment of Heart Conditions

We offer a diverse amount of treatment options, some which are long term including lifestyle changes, as well as interventional procedures and surgery. In managing heart failure, we optimize medications and advice on lifestyle modifications to enhance the quality of life for our patients. Following cardiac events or surgeries, some patients may advocate for cardiac rehabilitation programs to facilitate patient recovery and promote overall heart health. 

This comprehensive approach underscores the cardiologist's commitment to tailoring treatments that address the diverse needs of individuals, ensuring a holistic and effective approach to cardiovascular care.

  • Angiogram: A diagnostic procedure where a contrast dye is injected through a catheter to make blood vessels visible on X-ray images. It helps identify blockages, narrowing, or other abnormalities in the blood vessels.
  • Angioplasty: An interventional procedure to treat narrowed or blocked blood vessels. A balloon-tipped catheter is used to widen the vessel, and often a stent (a small mesh tube) is placed to keep the vessel open.
  • Temporary Pacemaker (TPM) Placement: Insertion of a temporary pacemaker through a catheter to regulate the heart's rhythm on a short-term basis, typically during or after certain cardiac procedures.
  • Permanent Pacemaker (PPM) Implantation: Surgical placement of a small device under the skin, often in the chest, with leads attached to the heart to regulate and maintain a stable heart rate.
  • Intra Cardiac Defibrillator (ICD) Implantation: Placement of a device under the skin, typically in the chest, that monitors heart rhythm and delivers electric shocks if life-threatening irregularities are detected.
  • Electrophysiology Study (EPS): A procedure to evaluate the electrical activity of the heart, helping diagnose and treat arrhythmias. Catheters are used to map the heart's electrical pathways.
  • Peripheral Angiogram and Angioplasty: Similar to procedures for the heart but focused on blood vessels outside the heart, often in the legs or arms.
  • Heart Study: A comprehensive assessment of the heart's structure and function, combining imaging, diagnostic tests, and specialized procedures to evaluate overall cardiac health.

These cath lab procedures play a crucial role in diagnosing and treating cardiovascular conditions, allowing cardiologists to tailor interventions to each patient's specific needs.

Book an appointment with the best heart specialist hospital in Malaysia soon. Explore our KMI medical centre in Kuantan, and Kuala Terengganu for cardiology care.